
Les Paul’s 90th BDay party at the Gibson Guitar showroom, NYC with Jose Feliciano,Jay Stollman, Frank Radice, Peter Primamore, Freddi Shehadi, Scott Spray, Bob Peters, Nick Mangini, Tony Lee.
Les Paul’s 90th BDay party at the Gibson Guitar showroom, NYC with Jose Feliciano,Jay Stollman, Frank Radice, Peter Primamore, Freddi Shehadi, Scott Spray, Bob Peters, Nick Mangini, Tony Lee.
Social Media: The Water Cooler of the 21st Century – Frank Radice-Definition 6 By Frank Radice I know I’m dating myself here, but one of my favorite TV shows as a child was The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet. I loved the show for several reasons, the main one being music, but I also really […]
On November 03, 2009 at 1:17 PM Ted Koppel was ABC’s State Department correspondent when he got a call on Sunday, November 4th, 1979 asking him to come into the studio to report on a developing story in Tehran. Hundreds of radical students had seized the U.S. Embassy denouncing it a “nest of spies” and holding its staff […]
Executive Quote and Information Service : EQUIS, May 19, 2008 NBC gets an A for effort this year. The fourth-place network unveiled its 2008-2009 schedule to advertisers in early April, dubbing the event an “infront” and stressing “connection”–with viewers and advertisers. Back then, advertisers welcomed NBC’s early sales pitch, and were specifically heartened by a renewed […]
When “Last Call with Carson Daly” premiered on NBC Latenight, I executive produced a series of spots directed by Joe Chapura. This one featured the band “No Doubt” stuffed in an elevator at 30 Rock!
Remember the first time you learned about the Internet? Hopefully it didn’t take place while you were on live TV.. This past weekend, a friend of mine sent me this 1994 clip of the then TODAY Show team of Katie Couric, Bryant Gumble and Elizabeth Vargas talking about this new “Internet” thing and a weird “@” […]
[embedyt][/embedyt] With more than 250 streamers, subscription OTT services, and online media distributors filling the Internet with content, the world of news, sports, and entertainment has already changed dramatically. Moving forward, what does it mean for traditional broadcast television? How many of these services should you use? Can the landscape support them all? […]
By: Frank Radice Suffice it to say, I’ve had time to consider what changes may occur in the new year. The coronavirus isn’t the only reason that modern day life has moved on-line, but it the most important reason behind the speed of the overwhelming shift in lifestyle. Covid-19 pushed technology and media to accelerate […]
By Frank Radice I take exception to the term “TV Everywhere,” and no more so than when it comes to News. No doubt television news is finding, and effectively utilizing multiple screens (2nd and even 3d screen applications) but in the case of news it’s just as important to distribute content everywhere in “every” way! […]