Friday, February 25, 2011 by Frank Radice
Date: 7 April 2011
Subject: MI-6
Location: NOT LONDON!!!!
MI-6 is NOT the British Secret Service…it’s the name of the PROMAX/BDA Game Marketing convention in San Francisco.
That’s right, Gamers need marketing too!
And I will be there representing Definition 6 in my role as Grand Inquisitor, interviewing Lloyd Kaufman, President, CEO, Director and Producer of TROMA Entertainment, America’s longest running independent film production company.

You may remember such films as “The Toxic Avenger (1-4),” “The Class of Nuke’em High,” and “Sgt. Kabuki-man, NYPD” (and if you don’t, you should) Well..Lloyd made them all and more.
This guy is an institution (and he’s hilarious) and he has a lot to say about the business, marketing, movie-making and on the serious side…Net Neutrality!
Joining us will be Def 6’s own Jon Accarrino, reprising his role as the Social Media DJ, brining to life everything Lloyd and I talk about on stage.
It should be a great time in history. Hope you can make it there.